A Modest Proposal.

Since this writer alluded in his last post to the College of Cardinals and the future of the Papacy, the thought occured to him future outcomes of conclaves might produce different results, were membership in the College determined by the process of competitive examination, as with the peerage in Gilbert and Sullivan’s Iolanthe. How anContinue reading “A Modest Proposal.”

Cardinal Nichols of Westminster forbids the Triduum in London.

More to come? It no longer comes as a surprise when an outrageous action is perpetrated by a high-ranking Church official against Traditional Latin Mass adherents. Those acts have become so frequent many have become resigned to them, and other horribilia emanating from highly placed liberals [sic] in the Holy Catholic Church. That is theContinue reading “Cardinal Nichols of Westminster forbids the Triduum in London.”

You think our Holy Catholic Church has her troubles?

Our eastern correspondent provides us with this news item. WOODBURY, Connecticut (WFSB) — A reverend [sic] in Woodbury was arrested and charged with dealing crystal meth, among other crimes. Herbert Irving Miller, 63, was arrested on Feb. 9, according to Connecticut State Police. Woodbury Police officers recently got a tip that Miller was allegedly dealing drugsContinue reading “You think our Holy Catholic Church has her troubles?”

Unwitting Farewell Address?

Not likely, but until last night the President of the United States, through the efforts of his handlers, and the administration of multiple cocktails of geriatric drugs to keep the man conscious and upright, managed to maintain in him the appearance of a somewhat presidential mien, at least to an all-too-willing- media. No longer. ManyContinue reading “Unwitting Farewell Address?”

How much do they think they’re worth?

Dartmouth basketball team can unionize, government official states. The college might begin by asking the players union reps, in their estimation how much value added is provided by their clients to a Dartmouth education, offer their replies to the Daily Dartmouth, and ask for comments. True, Ivy League practice (to its great credit) is notContinue reading “How much do they think they’re worth?”

R.I.P. Peter Schickele.

“Professor” Schickele had a big influence on this blogger while he was still in school. The purported scholar of the life and works of the “youngest of J. S. Bach’s 20-odd children and certainly the oddest,” Schickele never once let up in public that P. D. Q. Bach was anything but a real composer, andContinue reading “R.I.P. Peter Schickele.”

The Rev’d Sirs Stick their Necks Out.

In San Francisco, no less. From Father Zuhlsdorf: STATEMENT from priests of the Cathedral of San Francisco about “FS” and “blessings This is worth notice. Priests of the Cathedral in San Francisco have issued their own statement about FS… We will note with interest the reaction to this statement among Church higher-ups. Will they respectContinue reading “The Rev’d Sirs Stick their Necks Out.”